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Order PDF or EPUB version of Weapons of Mass Deception

Here are links to order the Print or Kindle versions of our book at Amazon.com:

However, we recognize some folks would like to order a copy of our book from someplace other than Amazon. We therefore offer several other options for ordering a copy of this book. We will eventually have additional online ordering options. For now, you can order either a PDF or EPUB version of our book by mailing a check for $10 along with a note with your email address and whether you want the PDF or EPUB version of the book to the following address: 
David Spring  49006 SE 115th Street, North Bend WA 98045.

We will email you you a PDF or EPUB file of the book as an attachment to your email address. Alternately, if you would like a print version of the book, email us a check for $24 ($20 for the book plus $4 for surface shipping) to the same address and we will mail you a Print copy of the book via normal US mail. Allow one week for delivery.