David was a 7th Grade Math teacher and has a Major in Science Education. His Master's Degree was in Child Development. He has spent years studying how chronic stress, such as from high stakes tests, can severely harm a child's ability to learn. David is the Director of College in the Clouds, an online non-profit educational program. David also teaches courses in Website Design. See Collegeintheclouds.org and Buildyourownbusinesswebsite.org for more information about these programs.
Elizabeth has taught English as a Second Language since 1985. Earlier in her career, Elizabeth was a GED instructor. Some of her friends are GED instructors. They alerted us to the harmful changes in the 2014 GED. We therefore decided someone needed to do something to offer struggling students a fairer chance at a better future. We hope you will join us in working to restore GED fairness and end Common Core, High Stakes testing in Washington State and across the US.

To help build a grassroots community to restore sanity to public education, we have started a group called the Coalition to Protect our Public Schools (dot) org. Here is the link: http://coalitiontoprotectourpublicschools.org/
Our website has a Latest News section for ongoing events in the fight to protect our public schools and a Community Forum section where parents and teachers can ask questions about the issues raised in this book and how they can organize politically in their own communities.
If you would like to join us, click on the Join Now link. If you have any questions or information you would like to share with us, click on Contact Us in the main menu. You can also email us privately at springforschools (at) aol (dot) com.